Перевод песни Path vol. 2 (Apocalyptica) -


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Перевод песни Path vol. 2 (Apocalyptica) -

Путь, том 2

With all the taste I desire

It's all good if you let me dive

With some sharks on the ground

You lose your routine

You lose your routine

You lose your routine

Cause I found my path

What the hell are you trying?

Now I know there is something more

What happened to you?

Still staying on my path

Are you still denying?

Now I know there is something more

That this is the truth

What do you came for?

What did you expect to find?

What do you came for?

What did you expect to find?

What do you came for?

What did you expect to find?

What do you came for?

What did you expect to find?

So boundless I feel

And boundless all my fears

Stop running back to old times

You lose your routine

Cause I found my path

What the hell are you trying?

Now I know there is something more

What happened to you?

Still staying on my path

Are you still denying?

Now I know there is something more

Перевод песни Path vol. 2 (Apocalyptica)
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