Текст песни Point Blank
Point Blank
Do you still say your prayers little darling, do you go to bed at night
Praying that tomorrow everything will be alright
But tommorow's fall in number, in number one by one
You wake up and you're dying, you don't even know what from
Well, they shot you point blank
You been shot in the back, baby, point blank
You been fooled this time, little girl, that's a fact
You grew up where young girls they grow up fast
You took what you were handed and left behind what was asked
But what they asked baby wasn't right
That always end up point blank
Shot between the eyes, whoa, point blank
Like little white lies you tell to ease the pain
You're walking in the sights, girl, of point blank
And it's one false move and, baby, the lights go out
Once I dreamed we were together again, baby, you and me
Back home in those old clubs the way we used to be
We were standing at the bar, it was hard to hear
The band was playing loud and you were shouting something in my ear
You pulled my jacket off and as the drummer counted four
You grabbed my hand and pulled me out on the floor
You just stood there and held me and you started dancing slow
And as I pulled you tighter I swore I'd never let you go
Well I saw you last night down on the avenue
Your face was in the shadows but I knew that it was you
You were standing in the doorway out of the rain
You didn't answer when I called out your name
You just turned and then you looked away
Like just another stranger waiting to get blown away
Point blank, right between the eyes
Текст песни Point Blank
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